Uriel Spiridione profile image
Hey! I'm

Uriel Spiridione

Angular web developer and Team Leader

Web Developer & Design Enthusiast | Creating Elegant and Functional Online Spaces | Transforming Ideas into Interactive Experiences | Crafting Code with Creativity and Minimalism.


  • 2022 - Actually


    Angular Developer → Lead Angular Developer

    Lead an Angular development team, management of projects and creation of front-end applications utilizing the latests version of Angular, Material, PrimeNg, and Bootstrap. Successfully started the startup and execution of a innovative astro project dedicated to improving the company's documentation practices.

  • 2023 - 2023

    Momento Mate

    Web Developer

    Freelance project involved the complete development of a custom website for a podcast/streaming group, utilizing Astro for performance and SEO optimization. Took charge of content management and ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal functionality and user experience.

  • 2020 - 2021

    Spixel Prints


    Entrepreneurship with strong emphasis on management, expense control, sales optimization and network administration. Outstanding in maintaining a commitment to customer satisfaction and product quality.



  • USpiri.com

    • Angular
    • Astro
    • Tailwind
    • SSR
    • Typescript
    • MDX

    Tri-web project, featuring three interconected projects. The portfolio, developed using angular 17 with Tailwind and Server-Side Rendering (SSR), dynamically loading the latest blog posts and personal information. The blog, powered by Astro, repository for my programming articles, offering a source of knowledge. Last, the CV, providing a printable PDF version, housing information embedded in the portfolio.

  • Raices Nativas

    • Angular
    • Material
    • Bootstrap

    Raíces Nativas is an exciting project in collaboration with biology students from the National University of Córdoba (UNC) to promote actively the conservation of native plant species from Córdoba, Argentina.

  • Devly CLI

    • Rust

    Devly CLI is an ongoing Rust-based project that assists in development process, providing valuable support for the implementation of Conventional Commits standards. Currently I use this application daily.

  • Todo CLI

    • Rust

    An efficient command-line program crafted in Rust, dedicated to local task management.

  • Sticky Notes

    • Angular
    • Angular SDK
    • Local Storage

    Sticky Notes represents one of my initial projects developed using Angular, offering a user-friendly notes management system that facilitates organization through tables and boards.


  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • Astro
  • Tailwind
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstraap
  • NodeJs
  • NestJs
  • Material
  • Springboot
  • Java
  • Rust
  • SQL

